The Most Comprehensive
XR Platform in Education
XR Platform in Education
Empowering student learning with an extensive and engaging XR library.

An Expansive Collection of Interactive Experiences
Engaging, curriculum-aligned simulations for elementary, middle, and high school students make abstract concepts accessible and interactive.
Career Discovery
Explore professions through interactive modules, preparing students for real-world success by simulating hands-on career experiences.
Expeditions XR
Bring history, geography, and culture to life with our immersive virtual tours that allow students and teachers to explore the world in real-time together.
Transform Learning With interactive Experiences
Learn Anywhere on Any Device
Seamless Learning Experiences
Across Every Classroom​
Breaking Language Barriers,
Crossing Borders
Intuitive management, LMS compatibility,
and scalable content. Adopt XR with
ease in any educational setting.
Access content on VR headsets, computers, tablets, or display panels. Flexible learning
at your fingertips.
Support diverse classrooms with multilingual content. Aligned with global curriculum standards.
Improve learning Outcomes by
integrating VR into your Lesson
Research supports that virtual reality can expand teaching horizons and assist students in achieving their learning objectives.
Knowledge Retention
Knowledge Interaction
Increase in Exam Results